Thursday 24 March 2011

Welcome to the last year of my twenties

It was my 29th birthday this Tuesday and I had a good time with some youngsters at university, celebrating, drinking and eating cookies that a lovely seminar leader bought (and gave me the surplus). I annoyed my friend but she has forgiven me. She is annoyed (anyway) with her BOYfriend and my lapse of memory didn't help.
I have one week left on my mentoring project and I am to get an award for doing it! Wooh!
I saw the guy I like, talked to him for an hour (or so), got a hug (or 2), invited him to my birthday tomorrow, got a nice reply, a private birthday greeting, and an invite from HIM to a thing... I think, though, that I am letting my imagination run away with me.
My dissertation is completely changed and I am OK with that as it is about 1984 ONLY and I KNOW that book well. And I love that book. I love that book more than I like any guy!!
I am feeling more positive, happier, and calmer. I have the whole of April to do my essays and dissertation and I can sleep late tomorrow. I will have a bath and be happy. WOOH!!

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