Thursday, 24 March 2011

Welcome to the last year of my twenties

It was my 29th birthday this Tuesday and I had a good time with some youngsters at university, celebrating, drinking and eating cookies that a lovely seminar leader bought (and gave me the surplus). I annoyed my friend but she has forgiven me. She is annoyed (anyway) with her BOYfriend and my lapse of memory didn't help.
I have one week left on my mentoring project and I am to get an award for doing it! Wooh!
I saw the guy I like, talked to him for an hour (or so), got a hug (or 2), invited him to my birthday tomorrow, got a nice reply, a private birthday greeting, and an invite from HIM to a thing... I think, though, that I am letting my imagination run away with me.
My dissertation is completely changed and I am OK with that as it is about 1984 ONLY and I KNOW that book well. And I love that book. I love that book more than I like any guy!!
I am feeling more positive, happier, and calmer. I have the whole of April to do my essays and dissertation and I can sleep late tomorrow. I will have a bath and be happy. WOOH!!

Saturday, 12 March 2011

Not Mixing Drinks is the Way Forward

Although I do have a bit of a headache.
Graduation has been announced! It's on July 19th at The Central Hall in Westminster, which is much closer to my house so that's good. Mile End sucks anyway. Bloody East London.

I am wearing blue nail varnish as I type this and as I never, ever wear nail varnish I am finding it mighty distracting, and ugly. Why can't I just be a normal girl? I think at this age it's too late to change... maybe I need Gok Wan to slap me upside the head and beautify me?

I have just 8,000 words left of my dissertation! I can do that shit in, like, 5 minutes. sigh

so, um, yeah. Until next time.