Monday, 16 November 2009

2nd half of semester 2

I'm broke and can't wait for the 14th January but that is more than a month away... oh dear. Otherwise, despite the fact that we just had a week off I need more time to sleep etc... I am really rather tired, and am not managing my time properly. Have completed my essay (due in tomorrow) and didn't have to stay up until 2am so maybe I am managing my time better than I think I am!

Moonlighting has started on CBS Drama and has 'series-linked' it. I love Bruce Willis AND the Moonlighting theme tune. Woohoo!! So that's my evening's sorted out, eh?

Going to sleep now. ZZZzzzzzz

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

I am a geek. Yay!

I have submitted both of my due assignments 2 days early. Now I can sit back and chill out and watch Zombieland and read Silas Marner... and Nietszche. Woohooooo!

Such a nerd!

Let's hope this organised trend continues!

On a different note: how loud do these TV channels want adverts to be? I just nearly had my ears exploded!

Sunday, 25 October 2009

Victoria in the future is happy

It's been a long time! ach well the clocks went back and so we gained an hour, which I have wasted sitting here watching Sunday morning TV on BBC 2. Got a couple of assignments to do and MUCH reading to plough through, but I'll be alright. As you can see in the future I am happy.

What you do to get your equally odd message is write something, translate it into Japanese, then back again, etc until you reach an equilibrium. Postsecret did it. My message started out as Victoria is happy now... clearly I am not!

Tried to watch a movie called Autumn. It's a zombie film, based on the books (that I loved) by Dave Moody. The movie was rather disappointing though. Hmmm shall try to watch it all the way through and reserve judgment til then. Also, watched Taken. What a fantastic film! Brilliant. Nuff said. Gonna watch Zombieland on Weds (hopefully), hope it's good. Not great reviews but it's gotta be OK enough hey? I mean, it IS about zombies. My favourite... ?

Anyway shall close-read a passage from Jane Eyre and write some shit about it (probably)... Fun, fun, fun. I need a coffee!

Monday, 5 October 2009

I want my mum to come back from Germany

I miss her.

My dog's been sleeping with me in my bed and is not a generous sleeper. She keeps nudging me in the face. Tut

Very glad to be back at uni' and college is going okay too. Very busy and rather happy. Busy = happy you see so that's a relief!

Am going to sleep now as I have to get up early for lectures. woohoo!

Sunday, 27 September 2009


atishoo we all fall down.

Went to the Imperial War Museum yesterday, with my History pal. the sheep-farmer's daughter. It was so nice (and without sounding like a complete arsehole) to talk to someone who I didn't have to explain anything to. Anyway, we had some wine and discussed how awful The Guardian is, but that we continue to read it and the fact that she is 'a self-loathing Guardian reader' but not a liberal-leftie. My excuse is it's 30p from the University shop. We also talked about history, Charlie Brooker, Jo Brand, My thick mate, and her sister. It was very pleasant... And although we did the sensible thing of drinking water I still woke up rather hungover. Not good. :(
My mum is in Germany and was a little worried that no one would speak English. She's Spanish and used to going 'home' for holiday time, but this time went to visit her sister in Deutschland. She didn't believe me when I told her that many Germans spoke English. Went to water her plants, but a mouse scared me. Hopefully it'll rain! PLEASE rain. My mum will KILL me!

Lectures start tomorrow. Thank God. I have sorted everything that needed sorting and have received my student loan. Bought some trainers and clothes and a miniature Victoria Cross. What more do I need? Am really looking forward to tomorrow. Although it's Writing the First World War and so quite sad and depressing etc, it'll be so good to put my brain to use!

I have spent too long looking up alternatives to the QWERTY keyboard and now feel I know enough about it to be 'informed'. One thing though; how LONG would it take to get used to any other type of keyboard?

Anyway, must dash. Off to blow my nose. Hence the title of this post. I am being adversly affected by my rhinitis. AH-Tishooooo!

Friday, 18 September 2009


Next week's my 2nd year induction, so this long (not hot) summer is finally over. I need to buy a coat, I can feel the chill in the air and am having to scrunch down in my bed so that there is no draught.
I finally got (most of) my books. A big box arrived yesterday and my friend thought some sort of optical illusion was going on. The books kept on coming and coming. As I explained to my bro', that isn't even all of them. Student loan really doesn't come at the right time for the buying of books, does it? My maths GCSE book came and I don't think I understand it. Most of the time I thought 'oh yeah, ok I get it' but then every task now and then I look and feel my brain cells dying.
Anyway, 2nd maths lesson tomorrow and then Tuesday is induction! Woohoo or no, sorry gotta be down with the kids, so w00t. Right?

Saturday, 12 September 2009


Today I learned just how bad I am at maths. This is such a shame as I would like to think I have more than an ounce of intelligence. No matter though, onwards and upwards and all that jazz eh? Hey, I can only get better!
It was all decimals today and I made the major mistake of thinking that .o3 was the same as .3 when in fact it is the same as .30, great huh? At least I have a good understanding of negative numbers and the 'number line' and I know how to write numbers as words and know how to write numbers in figures. I know that you're probably thinking everyone can do that you dick. You'd be wrong.

Monday, 31 August 2009

Listening to 90's tunes

So I awoke at 8am and was a little late to the TV studio, but I'm not the star so nothing was held up. The bus was on diversion and no one thought to tell the passengers. The swines! Ah well, the walk does us all good I suppose! Last day of carnival and it can't come quick enough. Mostly because I need to have my mistake rectified and the money owed to my friend's parents repaid. Not that they know yet what has happened but needless to say: a mistake was made (mine) and recompense shall be paid (by me).
This STILL affects your credit rating... Can't wait for my student loan to be paid. 23 days and counting. All will be on an even-keel then. Equilibrium shall be restored.
Tia (my dog) is still a little ill but seems to be much better today so that stress is leaving too. I hate feeling the way I have been lately. Too many things on my mind, and therefore mistakes are made and tempers are frayed. College starting soon, then uni', then I will immerse myself into the world of knowledge and not check so much on the internet, wasting hours clicking from one Wiki' entry to another. Why is it that you can go from looking up 'what that bloke has been in' to Mescaline in perhaps only 5 easy steps? Meanwhile looking up about a trillion other things in the meantime? The internet was surely not created to waste time?


I have very recently discovered the joys of Spotify. I know, I'm a little bit slow on the uptake sometimes. It's easier to use than LastFM which I have tried (and tried) to get to grips with, but Spotify has allowed me to more easily find songs that I have completely forgotten about. It's amazing and I am feeling much younger too as I have rediscovered music from the 90s that was ACTUALLY good.

So my choices:-

Counting Crows: Mr. Jones
Lisa Loeb: Stay
Tracy Bonham: Mother Mother
Arrested Development: Mr. Wendal

Bloody good!

Sunday, 30 August 2009

I hate the Notting Hill Carnival

Sorry, but I do. It's too big and too loud to be confined in a residential area and I don't care what others think. From my window I can hear the muffled noise and mayhem of what is apparently the 'Childrens' Carnival. Them children must consume a LOT of alcohol, that's all that seems to be being sold! As long as it keeps them quiet, I suppose.
Tia (my dog) is NOT liking it either, especially not the strange dog that is hanging around. So on top of the muffled speaking from a PA system and the bass and beat and what sounds like 'huh huh huh huh' there is now the added barking sound. Fantastico.

NOW there's someone with one of them air horn things.

I hate to sound like a grumpy old woman but I am so that's how I appear. No, really, I do hate to soud like a moaner but I just am not in the mood for this. They *should* move it to Hyde Park. What's the problem?


I may go and purchase some stationery from Staples. But then again, I may not! No, I need some graph paper and highly exciting things such as that. College starts soon and I might go out of my head if I don't leave the house. Tomorrow I am going to watch 'The Wright Stuff' (again. I should get paid) so at least *that* will get me out. But not for long as the carnival is on. <>

I need a life! :)

Saturday, 29 August 2009

Money makes the world go 'round...

it's just such a shame I don't have any.
After numerous phonecalls and 2 unpaid Direct Debits I have decided 'to hell with it! I'm paying everything with my student loan and so will get into more and more debt until I get my money'.
This means, you see, that nothing will get paid for until the 23rd September. But, fuck it. You can't spend money you don't have.

You do realise this affects your credit rating?
I don't care.

Put THAT in your pipe and smoke it!

I can't wait to go back to uni'. I am being driven insane and I just don't like that feeling.

This summer I have successfully:
Painted my backdoor x2
Painted the step x2
Read 'If on a Winter's Night a Traveler'
Got into the red
Learned to dislike Vera Brittain
Ditto Aphra Behn
Visited the Imperial War Museum
Ate 3 Big Macs
Appeared on national television saying 'shocking' too many times in a normal sentence
Re-enrolled for uni'
Enrolled for Maths GCSE at college
Quit my job
Read some WW1 poetry
Had a delightful conversation with my crush
Had a delightful conversation with an 81-year-old woman I met in a pub
Got so drunk I vomited
Went to a wedding
Sang karaoke

One day all this (and hopefully THIS debt) will be a memory. Comforting. I mean it. Really. It comforts me. I am NOT being sarcastic. I'm NOT!!

Sunday, 12 July 2009

I regret

I checked on the 'Secret Regrets' website ( and, after remembering that I had posted one, checked to see if mine was there. It wasn't. But then I thought, I have a blog... I can post whatever I wish to post...

But what do I regret?

I regret the mistakes that I've made in my life, but I have learned from them and so they have been invaluable lessons.
I regret not telling particular guys that I like them, but then I don't see that they were the 'loves' that I was looking for. I have faith (and blind hope) that Mr Right (enough) is out there somewhere. Someone who doesn't think I am a bookworm, and who is only nominally more intelligent than I am, I can't take the competition otherwise! Hahaha ;)
I regret that I spent all of my student loan as quickly as I did. I had a good time though!!

Basically I guess what I am saying is that of course I have regrets, we all do, but what of it? Don't dwell on the past, on things you cannot change. They are past, in that foreign country that you cannot even visit. Cher may have wanted to turn back time, but I have accepted that I can't. So, march on inexorably towards some future point where things are 'A'ight!'


I have work now. THAT'S a depressing and sobering thought, innit?

Tuesday, 7 July 2009

I am sad

Yesterday we had to put our beloved dog Wedge to sleep. Although I know that she is in a better place, that she had no quality of life and that she was in pain, it was still an awful decision to make and I spent most of yesterday crying. She will be missed.

Tuesday, 9 June 2009


Today I was rather melancholic. I was bored and wanted to leave my house. I did.

Last night I read 'Holes' which is a children's novel but was really good and well written (especially when compared to that bloody JK Rowling nonsense). I am currently watching The Young Ones and wanting to go to the toilet.

It's bloody hot in here.

Well, it's ummm quite late, I'm feeling peculiar and will read my book (the sequel to 'Holes', 'Small Steps') and then sleep.

Results due soon too, Olivia says I done good! hahaha

Friday, 5 June 2009

I am trying to life laudry my bedroom

I have blisters on my thumbs and have been mistaken for Jesus Christ and I am now sitting in the middle of the mess that is my life. Why do I bother attempting to tidy my room? I feel that I am always throwing things out and trying to clear space. TO NO AVAIL. It never lets up. I never have a proper bedroom. I cannot live this way.

On a different note...

It's Friday now. That's good. Isn't it?

I don't really have anything to say. I can hear car doors slamming in the midnight air of Central London, my telly is unplugged and I'm listening to Heart 106.2fm. I'm surrounded by the wreckage of my bedroom and really should sleep as that is what 'normal' people do at 3am. Isn't it?

Still haven't watched Rocky IV and V. I just don't want Apollo Creed to die and I really don't want to see V as even Sly says it's shit. Who am I to argue? Similarly on a Rocky theme, was listening to 'Gonna Fly Now' and had to fight back the urge to run. Find some steps and there'll be no stopping me!

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Sleeping patterns

My sleeping patterns are all shot to shit. Look at the time! Just look, would you? Nearly half past three in the AM and I'm listening to The Beatles and blogging. For Chrissakes!

This is too long a break, mate.

I should be getting my exam results in the next few days... this all seems rather complicated for my little old head to deal with. I have to preregister and then enrol online for next year (if I pass, of course, but I am confident that I have. Just).

Anyway, and any how... I have Facebooked, Twittered and now I have Blogged. What more is there to do except go to fucking sleep and look forward to maybe buying a Mocha Light Frapuccino from Starbucks on Portobello Road tomorrow. Wow! My life is sooo exciting. I fear I may die from overexcitement.

Today I did 30 mins of Wii Fit, bring my total up to over 5 hours! Whoo!! Marathon here I come. Actually, slimness here I come. Only another 8 stone to go. Rather depressing ain't it?

Tuesday, 24 March 2009

I'm up...

It is 4:50am AM!!! What the devil is all that about? Anyway, thought I'd finish Shakespeare essay, only I am a bit thick really and not doing awfully well. I don't care if I get a third at this point just so long as I never have to write this essay again, or any others like it. I think it's good in parts, but dear Lord, it's just not good enough.
I saw this guy that I have a crush on on Sunday (my birthday)... and now I can't stop thinking about him. Then I checked my Facebook (well, what else is there to do at 3am?) and he had sent me a Likeness Match request thingummy. Psychic link?

I think not.

But a girl can but dream!

Anyway, I have a lecture at 10am. Maybe I should go in early? I don't know. I am awfully tired now and I have a very long day ahead of me.

I'm hungry. Maybe I should get up and have breakfast?

Have lost 2 stones in 2 months and gone down 2 dress sizes. This has made me all the more determined to slim RIGHT down. Oats and water for me then! Haha!! Not really, think I may have a Weetabix. But, shall have poached salmon for dinner, am cutting out bread almost completely and NO MORE slipping off the wagon. I have the willpower that I have hitherto lacked. I am determined and for the first time in my life I mean it, but not in an eating disorder way.

until we meet (or tweet) again

Saturday, 21 March 2009

My foot has gone to sleep and I have a headache

I am one year older tomorrow, and have become very organised. I have bought an organiser in fact and have planned all the birthday cards needed for this year. I am not being caught out. I AM NOT!!

I am still to finish my essay on Shakespeare and I am sure that I will... I am remaining upbeat and positive about it. I have nearly completed it but I am not going to write on my birthday.

Friday, 20 March 2009

My first post

So, I'll probably just post this one time and then forget I have a blog at all... but I am supposed to be writing an essay so this is good time-wasting.

A little about me: I am 27 years old (on Sunday) and am coming up to the end of my first year studying English at Queen Mary University in London. I am from London (which seems to be increasingly rare) and I am fond of brackets (or parentheses, if you prefer).
I am doing ok on this course, but would like a couple of better grades under my belt, but I am NOT complaining (which is rare!!). Also, I feel the need to add a couple of more brackets here and there, thus proving my fondness for them.

I shall now attempt to finish my essay which is about male and female reputations in the plays Othello and Twelfth Night, but if I am honest I just want to go home and watch that film I bought yesterday (Wristcutters: A Love Story, which is apparently a comedy... we'll see).

I have 2 exams coming up in May, and if I remember that I have a blog, I shall update regularly when I am supposed to be revising. That gives us all something to look forward to! (I'm funny too!).

Sorry this is a rather bland blog, but hopefully this will become as exciting as the synapses in my brain, which I am afraid are frazzled at the moment, what with all the talk of male and female reputations etc... so, until next time!